Friday, November 29, 2019

A Loyalist And His Life Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers

A Loyalist And His Life Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers A Loyalist And His Life The called me M.J., that stood for Michael Jones. It was the early part of April in 1760 when I departed an English port and headed across the waters for the North American colonies where I planned to settle, start a family, and begin what I hoped to be a very prosperous life. It was the summer if 1760 when I planted my feet and my heart in Boston along with several black slaves that I purchased when I arrived here. I brought a hefty 10,000 British pounds in my purse, which was my entire life savings. I was twenty-two years old, turning twenty-three in the fall. I had heard so many wonderful things about this place and I could not wait to get here. When I first arrived here, because of my better fortune it was very easy for me to become a landowner and the owner of a small but successful farm. I purchased a decent size piece of land and began to build a constructive family and life. It was not long before things began to take a turn for the worse. Parliament began to throw tedious Acts and Policies at the American colonies. For example, the Tea Act which placed taxes on all British tea and the Stamp Act which placed taxes on all legal documents such as marriage licenses, wills, and even letter. The Sugar Act placed taxes in all sugar, wine, linen, and silk. It was beginning to be ridiculous. It was then that a continuous patter began. Act...Protest...Repeal...Peace. Everyone seemed to be putting up with that but with each strike by Parliament the other people in the colonies became more and more angry and liked the idea of gaining independence form Great Britain very much. In my opinion the idea of independence was not necessarily a bad one but I felt that it was necessary to remain loyal to the British crown. I personally chose to adhere to the British cause during the revolution. Those of us who remained loyal to England wore the title of Loyalists and those w ho chose to turn their backs were referred to as Rebels or Patriots. The patriots referred to us loyalists as Tories, which was a derogatory nickname that they liked to use. Although loyalists were found in all classes and occupations, from all different walks of life the majority of us were farmers like artisans, shopkeepers, and myself. Most wealthy shopkeepers also chose to remain loyal to England as did Anglican ministers, especially in Puritan New England (Ward 264). Some of us were even black, these were slaves who the British promised freedom but never kept their promise. Some were Indians, some indentured servants, and some loyalists were German immigrants but only because George III was of German origin (VanDoren 119). The number of loyalists in each colony varied. John Adams estimated that one third of the colonials were loyalists. Us Loyalists were strongest in the far southern colonies like Georgia and Virginia, in the middle Atlantic colonies, and especially in New York and Pennsylvania. We constituted the majority in some colonies but a very large minority in all the colonies as a whole. It was not long before a very Thomas Paines Common Sense pamphlet hit the colonies like lightning. When his words and thoughts were distributed about the colonies all hell broke loose. His work was quite simple but just he instigation the colonists needed to stand up to the British crown. He told everyone exactly how he felt about the situation of the colonists. He believe that England had no right to govern the American colonies, for England was but a fraction of the size of America, and not everyone who has settled here has and England decent. Therefore, why should everyone here remain loyal to one such country as England? He truly believed that America would be better of without the whole monarchy system. I remember the very day when one of his pamphlets made its way to my front door. It was windy out side and when I reached to take it from the nail on which it was hanging it blew through the yard and I had

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Origin of Life

The Origin of Life Free Online Research Papers Dover, Pennsylvania has become the scene of yet another heated debate over the origin of life. The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania and Americans United for Separation of Church and State brought a lawsuit before a Pennsylvania judge, last November, against the Dover, Pennsylvania School Board (Boston 35). This was the first legal step in having the theory of â€Å"intelligent design† removed completely from all state funded science classes. The origin of life has been an interesting topic for many years. It is a pressing issue among scientist, theologians, and the media, today. For hundreds of years forms of intelligent design were commonly accepted, but in 1859, Charles Darwin suggested a more naturalistic possibility of origin, evolution. This concept quickly became popularized, and today it is the most widely believed and taught theory of origin. Evolutionists believe that over billions of years everything developed from one central item. This would be very plausible if not for the fact that not all studies indicate that the universe is billions of years old. Some scientific evidence on the age of the universe may be the key to unlocking a variety of problems with the evolutionary theory. The salt in the ocean provides scientists with information to determine that the ocean could not be more than several million years old. As a mixture of salt and water enters the oceans, the content of salt increases, but as water evaporates only small amounts of the salt that entered leaves. This causes the salt content in the ocean to increase. Sir Edmond Haley was the first to propose that if the amount of salt entering, compared to the amount of salt exiting could be calculated, it would be possible to determine the age of the ocean. More recently, scientists have done studies and determined that the ocean is filled with about ‘14.7 million tons’ of salt. Scientists have also determined that about 457 million tons of salt enters the ocean each year, while only 206 million tons leave. Given this information and allowing for some amount of variation, experts have concluded that the ocean is not more than 62 million years old (Sarfati Salty Seas 16-17). Although this is an extensive period, it is not long enough for evolution to occur. Fossils have been discovered that are not consistent with the proposition of slow formation over millions of years. Discoveries that may cause problems include, whole trees buried up-right underground, throughout multiple sedimentary layers (Hovind Age of Earth). This is a dilemma for evolutionists because, if the layers of soil formed slowly, the top half of the tree would have deteriorated during the time it took for all of the layers to develop (Morris 100-101). Author, Bruce Malone, writes in his book Search for the Truth: The fossils themselves tell us neither their age nor how they became encased in the rock layers†¦Many people have been led to believe that the existence of fossils proves that millions of years have passed. In reality, fossils can form quite rapidly†¦(1) Geological evidence of rapid formation has also been discovered; a fossilized ichthyosaur ‘freeze-framed’ giving birth, provides evidence that some fossils were formed quickly. They have also discovered multiple areas that are filled with fossilized fish, which is not compatible with the idea of slow formation, because other sea creatures devour the dead fish within twenty-four hours (Wieland 9). Other examples are numerous varying from fossilized pickles to hats, but all indicate quick formation, which is not compatible with the billions-of-years philosophy (Hovind Age of Earth). The fossilization of up-right trees and ‘freeze-framed’ animals denotes the possibility that fossils were formed quickly, and that the earth is quite young. Evolutionist claim that some special formations would not be possible if the earth was not millions of years old, but this is simply not true. Some believe that stalactites and stalagmite take millions of years to form, but Kent Hovind gives numerous examples of cave formations that were formed extremely quickly in the right conditions, including a natural spring that has formed into an eighteen foot mountainous stalagmite in less than fifty years (Hovind Age of Earth). Mt. Isa, Queensland, Australia is home to a fifty year old tunnel with an abundance of cave formations throughout it. Contrary to typical teaching, a researcher from Australian has also discovered that opal can form very quickly. Len Cram simply combines the proper combination of chemicals in his home laboratory and creates opal that is undistinguishable from opal that has been mined. (Weiland 10) Geologists have also discovered inconsistencies between slow formation of the earth and the development of varying layers of rock. The layers of rock seen in a variety of places on earth, such as the Grand Canyon, contain smooth swirling patterns, which indicate that they must have formed quickly. If this had been a slow formation, the bumps and bends that geologists have uncovered should appear broken, because the pressure on the solid, rocky layers would have produced cracking, rather bending patterns (Morris 106). Various experts believe that this indicates a young universe. The amount of erosion that the earth’s surface has sustained also suggests that the earth is young. The earth had undergone such little erosions that various sedimentologists do not believe that it could be billions of years old. Water is the most common cause of erosion. Rain washes soil into the streams and rivers, which ultimately flows into the ocean. Sedimentologists have carefully calculated the amount of soil that is washed to the mouths of rivers. They have discovered that about one thousand millimeters of sediment is restrained every one thousand years. They have also determined that the average height reduction for all the continents is about sixty millimeters per one thousand years. Based on this information, researchers can determine that in 2.5 million years ninety-three miles of continent would be washed away, and in ten million years that the entire world would be leveled (Walker 19-20). The continents are eroding at such an accelerated rate that it is n ot logical to think that the earth could survive billions of years under such extreme conditions. Due to the erosion that is occurring on the surface on the earth sedimentologist can also determine that were should be loose soil in the bodies of water around the world. Each day eighty thousand tons of sediment washes down the Mississippi River ultimately dumping into the Gulf of Mexico. If indeed the earth was millions of years old, there entire Gulf of Mexico should be filled entirely with mud (Hovind Age of Earth). Each year twenty-five billions tons of sediment accumulates on the ocean floors. At this rate is would take only 12 million years to build-up what is lying of the ocean floor (Humphreys 2). The amount of sediment in each body of water around the world does not indicate the possibility of billions of years. The earth’s atmosphere provides scientists with needed information to detect the earth’s age. Evolutionists and geologists have used Carbon-14 Dating methods, or radiometric dating, to calculate the age of fossils and the age of layer in which the fossil was found. Carbon-14 is a radioactive form of carbon produced by nitrogen that has been converted by the energy from the sun (Hovind Does Carbon Prove Millions 1). Willard Libby was the first to formulate the C-14 method of dating. He speculated that because plants and animals breathe carbon dioxide, they also have C-14 fused into their bodies. The amount of C-14 could then be measured in the fossils to calculate the age. Kent Hovind describes the process saying: Extensive laboratory testing had shown that about half of the C-14 molecules will decay in 5,730 years. This is called the half-life. After another 5,730 years, half of the remaining C-14 will decay leaving only one-fourth of the original C-14. It goes from one-half to one-fourth to one-eighth, etc. In theory it would never totally disappear, but after five half lives the difference is not measurable with any degree of accuracy. (Does Carbon Prove Millions 1). Upon death the plant or animal stops taking in C-14 and the C-14 begins to decay. When fossils are dug up, geologists can determine age based on the amount of decay. This philosophy is not a problem until one considers that not only is C-14 being formed from energized nitrogen, it is also being released from the fossils (Ferrell 190). Therefore, it is impossible to tell what the historical C-14 measurement may have been. Fossilized bones from the same animals reaffirm that the C-14 dating methods are based on unproven facts. Geologists have dated these bones with as much as a twenty thousand year variation. (Hovind Age of Earth) It is understandable that many scientists consider the Carbon-14 process unpredictable and unreliable. The earth’s atmosphere also contains helium, which can generate another problem for evolutionists. Helium is continually entering the atmosphere due to the radioactive decay of thorium, radium, and uranium. According to evolutionists, this process has been occurring for billions of year. With the rate of decay at which elements are being converted, scientist predict that there should not be any components left in the rocks, yet in some places there is still 58% of the original amount found in the rocks (Sarfati Refuting Compromise 341-343). Creationist, Carl Weiland points out, â€Å"Even if God have created that world with no helium to begin with, the small amount in the atmosphere would have taken at most around two million year to accumulate (9)†. Helium provides scientists with some clues to the prospect that the earth may be young, yet many are blind to this possibility. The earth’s magnetic field provides experts with evidence proving the planets young age. Since 1845, scientists have been monitoring the earth’s magnetic field, and they realize that it is decaying. When experts consider amount of current decay and calculate backwards, they realize that only a million years ago the magnetic force would have been so powerful the earth would have vaporized (Ferrell 141). Therefore, scientists have been able to conclude that the earth could be no more than 6,000 to 7,000 years old. The earth’s rotation is causing scientist some scientists to investigate that possibility that the earth is young. Studies have shown that the rotation of the earth is slowing down. An average of one second per year is shaved off the clock because of the delay. Although this does not seem like a big deal, when the amount is traced backward a few billion years the centrifugal force would have been unbearable. The earth would also have winds speeding at 5,000 mph, when life began forming (Hovind Age of Earth). At this high speed of rotation, the earth would have flattened like a pancake, and the existence of life would have been impossible (Ferrell 139). The slowing rotation of the earth seems in indicate that the earth may be much younger than some assume. The planet, Saturn is well known for the beautiful rings that surround it, but they pose a problem for evolutionary astronomers. Saturn’s rings are composed primarily of solid ammonia, an element that has an extremely high vapor pressure. Extensive studies have shown that it is impossible to ammonia to survive several thousand years in space without vaporizing (Ferrell 130). This is the first clue that Saturn’s rings are young. These, however, is not the only planet with rings which are problematic. In addition to Saturn, the rings of Jupiter and Uranus create another problem. Astronomers have also realized that meteoroids are continually striking their rings and causing severe destruction and instability (Hovind Age of Earth). This indicates the rings could not be more than 20,000 years old (Ferrell 131). Evaluating this fact provides evidence that these planets may possible be younger than former speculation. Each planet and moon in the galaxy also provides evidence of a young earth, because of the amount of heat being putting off. Planets radiate the heat that they have received from the sun, but scientists have observed that the planets are putting off more heat than they are accumulating (Hovind Age of Earth). This indicates that if the planets were billions of years old they would have cooled millions of years ago. This however, is not the case. Two of Jupiter’s smallest moons, Io (Ferrell 131) and Ganymede, still flow continuously with molten lava, indicative of a core that is still extremely hot (Hovind Age of Earth). The amount of heat that many of the planets and their moons still have radiate helps scientists to determine that they could not be billions of years old. The star clusters and individual classes of stars in our galaxy also provide us with evidence needed to determine that the earth is still young. Star clusters are moving apart at rapid speeds, helping astronomers to establish that they must be young. If they were billions of years old, the clusters would have dissipated long ago (Ferrell 126-127). The number and size of the stars also proves a youthful age for the universe. The stars that are scattered throughout the universe are composed of a variety of gases (Malone n. pag). Over time, these gases begin to deteriorate and change colors. Kent Hovind focuses on one particular star, Cereus, in his six part video series. Former astronomers documented that Cereus was a bright red star, redder than even Mars, but today it is known as the â€Å"White Dwarf† (Hovind Age of Earth). In just two-thousand years, Cereous has suffered extreme weakening. This is because over time the star has lost mass. Cereus, nevertheless, is no t the only star to deteriorate; over time, all stars begin to depreciate and eventually disappear altogether (Ferrell 127). Since there are no new stars being formed, there should not be millions of stars left in the universe, yet there is (Hovind Age of Earth). Both star clusters and stars seem to indicate that the earth must be young. As astronomer’s search to find more information regarding the universe, they find that supernovas may create a dilemma for evolution. Regarding supernovas Bruce Malone says, â€Å"At certain times in the life of a very massive star it implodes upon itself releasing energy exceeding the output from an entire galaxy. This supernova results in a center that is so dense that it cannot collapse further, and the rest of the stellar debris spreads outward (3).† According to physical equations that scientist have formulated the debris that is left behind expands at a rate that can be calculated for thousands of years, until it has scattered so much that research equipment can no longer distinguish it from other space debris (Sarfati Refuting Evolution 42). Astronomers have grouped the spreading stellar debris into three stages. According to their research, the first stellar debris stage takes approximately three hundred years to travel seven parsecs, the second stellar debr is stage last 120,000 years, while the remnants travel one hundred parsecs, and the third stage lasts six million years while the remains move five hundred parsecs. With the observed supernova, occurring every twenty-five years astronomers should be able to observe thousands of stage three stellar debris remnants, yet there are none. Experts have also not observed enough first and second stage stellar debris remnants to indicate that the universe is billions of years old (Sarfati Refuting Compromise 347-349). Stellar debris indicates that the earth may be much younger than evolutionists assume. Comets also add to the abundance of difficulties that astronomers are facing. Comets orbit throughout the universe making frequent passes by the sun. Since the comet are mainly compose mainly of ice, when they pass close to the sun they decrease in size. Over time, the comets will deteriorate completely. Research has shown this could take about one hundred thousand years. Seeing that there are no new comets being formed, opponents of evolution believe comets are an argument for a young earth (Faulkner 264). Evolutionists believe that comets were formed at the same time as the earth. If this is the case there should be no more comets in existence, yet comets are still frequently observed scattered throughout space (Ferrell 128-129). The number of comets scattered implies that the earth could not be millions of years old. The earth’s moon also contains useful information that helps to determine the age of the earth. Scientists who have done extensive studies on the earth have determined that the moon is moving further away each year. The determined amount of recession is about 1.5 inches per year (Sarfati Refuting Evolution 5). Scientists have used this information to calculate that it would only take the moon 1.31 billion year to reach its current positions if it was at one time attached to the earth. Although this is a longer time than creationists believe, it is not enough time for evolution to have occurred. Creationists, however, have refuted the possibility of the moon ever having been attached to the earth. The gravitational force would have been too great for anything to survive (Hovind Age of Earth). The moon is receding, and because of this scientist can determine that evolution may not be correct. Research on the surface of the moon leads scientist to believe that it may not be billions of years old. The amount of dust on the surface of the moon is one indication that it may not be billions of years old. Each year about three to four ten-thousandths of an inch of dust accumulates on the surface. If the moon were billions of years old, there would be an accumulation of twenty to sixty miles. This of course is not the case, because when Apollo 11 first landed, the astronauts only discovered two to three inches. This shows that the moon is only six to eight thousand years old (Ferrell 132-133). Little accumulation on the surface of the earth indicates that the moon must not be as old as evolutionary scientists anticipate. When considering the possibility of a different age for the universe, scientists look to several sources including the shape of the Milky Way. The stars at the center of the galaxy are moving faster than the outer stars, which creates the appearance ‘arms’ that are visible from satellite pictures. Scientific evidence shows that if the universe were indeed ten billion years old like evolutionists claim, the Milky Way would appear to be nothing more than a simple disc (Humphreys 1). This change of shape would be due to the accelerated speed of the inner stars and the desiccated travel on the outer edges, which causes the blending (Hovind Age of Earth). Considering the fact that the galaxy still has well defined ‘arms’ it is possible to conclude that the universe may be much less than ten billion years old. Problems with evolution have been occurring over many years. Although some problems have been solved, new dilemmas continue to arise. Some of which have remained unsolved for many years. It is clear the universe may possibly be younger than some claim. With the young earth concept does not allot for the time evolutionist propose is needed for the universe to form. This would in turn discredit the possibility of evolution occurring. It is important to contemplate the problems that researchers have discovered involving all areas of the universe. Careful consideration must be given to the possibility that the evolutionary theory is not a proven fact, and intelligent design believers may have a justified case in there belief. Each day researchers diligently work to find the answers. It is important to seek out the truth and establish how the earth truly came into existence. The Age of the Earth. Dir. Dr. Kent Hovind. DVD. Prod. Kent Hovind. Creation Science Evangelism. Boston, Rob. â€Å"Designed for Controversy: the Religious Right’s New Creationism.† Humanist. 66.1(2006): 35-36. 11 April 2006. Faulkner, Danny. â€Å"Comets and the age of the solar system.† Technical Journal. December 1997: 264-273. 24 April 2006. Ferrell, Vance. The Evolution Cruncher. Altamont, TN. Evolution Facts Inc. 2001. Hovind, Kent. â€Å"Does Carbon Dating Prove Millions of Years Old?.† Creation Science Evangelism. 5 May 2005. < spec=73> Humphreys, Russell. â€Å"Evidence for a Young World.† Answers in Genesis. 24 April 2006. Malone, Bruce A. Search for the Truth. Search for the Truth Publications. 2003. 13 April 2006. Morris, John D. The Young Earth. Colorado Springs, CO. Master Books Inc. 1994. Sarfati, Jonathan. Refuting Compromise. Green Forest, AR. Master Books, Inc. 2004. Sarfati, Jonathan. Refuting Evolution. Green Forest, AR. Master Books, Inc. 1999. Sarfati, Jonathan. â€Å"Salty Seas- Evidence for a Young Earth.† Creation Magazine. December 1998: 16-17. 24 April 2006 Walker, Tas. â€Å"Eroding Ages.† Creation Magazine. March 2000: 18-21. 28 April 2006. Wieland, Carl. â€Å"The Earth: How Old Does it Look?.† Creation Magazine. December 2000: 8-13. 24 April 2006. Research Papers on The Origin of LifeEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationGenetic EngineeringTwilight of the UAWResearch Process Part OneThe Spring and AutumnStandardized Testing19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Writing Assignment Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writing Assignment - Article Example Disaster experts have developed better ways of detecting disasters and disseminating information about impending disasters promptly. Weather forecast has made it possible for experts to speculate risk of tornadoes and hurricanes. People should heed this information and act appropriately. Even so, disasters like fires and terrorist attacks strike unexpectedly. Rescorla had indicated his fears about a possible terrorist attack on the Trade Center, and they materialized when Ramzi blasted explosives right at the center’s parking garage. Circumspection may cost us resources, but it is worthwhile (Wiseman 25). Building a strong disaster personality would need exercising the brain. Fear paralyses individuals during disasters and makes people not to be able to act appropriately. Extreme fear will make an individual to stop and wait for help from outside. Had Kent HÃ ¤rstedt let fear take the better of him, he would probably not have lived to tell the story. People should not frown at fire drills. Instead, fire drills should help condition our minds for appropriate reaction in the time of disaster (Lee 18). Many got annoyed at Rescorla’s efforts at training his employees using fire drills. It is not a wonder that many of his employees made it out of the Trade Center safely when 9/11 struck. Amanda has underscored the importance of leadership in situations of disasters. Leadership should help instill discipline so that some are not run over and others do not act selfishly. The Beverly fire is a classic case of the benefit of leadership in a disaster scene. People need to know what section of a disaster scene to go to and which to avoid (Wiseman 25). People should learn to respect the leadership during disaster. Also, people should domesticate leadership at an individual level so as to make it easy for disaster response efforts to work

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Government Intervention (Bailout) Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Government Intervention (Bailout) - Term Paper Example According to Nelson (2008), one of the main reasons that made investment banks undergo this transformation is panic. Panic is often the indirect result of any financial crisis, and banks have their own usual set of standard reactions in any financial crisis or recession. Since many financial companies, some of which were considered market leaders like Lehman Brothers have collapsed, there is panic among the remaining investment banks. The collapse of large banking industries puts pressure and fear in the banking world. Some of them the remaining banks are financially stable, but due to the fact that the financial market is unpredictable, they seek to consolidate their position through transformation to bank holding companies. Therefore, even though they have financial security, their own feelings of fear are dictating their responses to the market. Transformation to holding companies will enable the companies to have access to large deposits, which is considered to be a funding metho d that is more stable. Therefore, panic is one of the leading factors in the bank reactions to the economy and the United States government’s bailout plan. Other issues are also affecting the banking response in the United States. According to Plantin (2007), another reason for the change to holding banks is that the investment banks have realized that the model that propelled them to their success does not work anymore, as evidenced by the mortgage crisis, which necessitates a change in strategy. Changing up focus and goals can often be difficult for banks, since they are such large financial institutions, and therefore movement and change can be not only difficult, but frightening. The investment banks have realized that unlike them, commercial banks can mitigate risks through use of deposits from mortgages and savings accounts that are held by customers. This is in contrast to their operations which use majority of financing from other banks, and this is prone to uncertain ty, since such transactions can be recalled at any time, sometimes using mere telephone calls. Such investment banks have seen it fit to change their nature of operations and venture into commercial banking business that poses lesser risks. So a change of strategy is imminent, although usually slow in large financial institutions, and also quite stressful, only adding to the panic that banks are currently feeling. There is still one more aspect left to consider as far as the banks are concerned. Another major reason that has made investment banks convert to holding banks is to place them in a better position to benefit from various initiatives introduced by the Federal government to support institutions in the US financial sector. This is a response to the Bailout and will hopefully see banks improve their economic situation during this crisis. There are several benefits of shift to bank holding companies that need to be addressed in order to create a better understanding of the bai lout concept. The access to large deposits will enable the companies to increase the effectiveness of their operations throughout the globe. In fact, some experts say that American Express stands to gain by as much as $3.8 billion. American Express' application was approved a month after applying for it (Sloan, 2008). This is due to the reason that while they were investment banks, they only had

Monday, November 18, 2019

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Essay - 1

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Intellectual Property - Essay Example Correspondingly, recommendations have also been provided in the essay so as to mitigate the identified challenges. Ethical issues relating to marketing and advertising, intellectual property, and regulation of product safety Use of negative advertisement techniques The use of negative techniques refers to the adoption of comparative advertisement strategy by the companies. In this unethical practice, the advertisement focuses on the disadvantages of the competitor’s product. Arguably, in the modern phenomenon, this technique has become a major tool for promoting the utility of the products of a particular company (Majtan & Dubcova, n.d.). Misleading or dishonest advertisement It is one of the most serious ethical problems that have been observed as commonly used by many of the advertisers in the modern day. It involves not only misleading facts about the product but also false impression forecasted. Any advertiser who fails to promote the truth of the product not only goes aga inst morality but also against the law as it violates customer protection rights to information. The advertisement must also not include any kind of false statement regarding the product or claim for the dishonest value of that product (Majtan & Dubcova, n.d.). Copyright infringement It is one of the most serious unethical issues that are observed in the field of intellectual property. Notably, the copyright infringement occurs whenever a person who does not own the copyright violates any of the rights of others without permission. The most common practice found in this aspect is breach of reproduction right and invention of new work base under the existing one (Tehranian, 2007). Use of unsafe raw materials in the production Many of the companies use cheap quality material in the production of its final product for the sake of earning maximum profits. They do not keep consumer health or stakeholders’ interest into consideration being highly concerned about the profitability o f their company. For example, in a free market, if a health drink manufacturing company uses cheap quality ingredients in production, it would ultimately affect the health of the consumers offering the company with profits, but only for a limited period in the short-run, inhibiting the company’s sustainability interests to a substantial extent (Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, 2013). Argue for Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) marketing by drug companies The sponsorship of pharmaceutical drugs through Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) has much significance in the current market scenario as it promotes customer confidence and provides better opportunity to the company to align the marketing strategies with customer preferences to a greater extent. In the US, majority of the drug companies have been found spending double than the total amount in DTC marketing technique (Mogull, 2008). On the contrary, there exist many customers who are strictly against this technique of advertising on grounds that because the technique requires substantial financial investments, the drug companies focusing on direct-to-customers selling concept have to spent maximum money on advertising rather than on research and development. However, considering its positive effects, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Advertising Revenue In Print Media

Advertising Revenue In Print Media When discussing the advertising as a revenue tool for the investments in the print press industry, we must have a deep look in the advertising industry and all the forces that forms the market and drive the investors to invest their capitals in the print press industry and the revenue is one of the factors which attract investors to access the market with high expectations for a great rate of revenues for their investments. Around the world, the Print Press industry is growing as a source of information and knowledge in the life. The Print Press organization is considered a corporation for good investments and good revenues. The unique factor about the Print Press is that the unlimited source of finance and funds based on the values of the suppliers, the advertising is one of the most popular forces in the Print Press industry which give it good revenue for the business. Therefore, the Print Press allows the high risk investors to transfer their investments into a high revenue market with excellent profits and exchange rates for the stockholders. The press industry is an effective element in the markets and in the daily life of all countries and people. In the researches there have been indicators to tell the benefits of the advertising revenues for any type of industry, the newspapers and magazines are publications containing news, information, and advertising. General newspapers have articles about political events, crime, business, art, entertainment, society, and sports. The traditional newspapers contain columns expressing the personal opinions of writers, with sections for advertising and comics. In 1990s, the availability of news via 24 hours TV channels and the Internet posed an ongoing challenge, while the advertising revenue makes up the bulk of most newspapers income which has been shifting from Print Press to digital media, and result a big decline in profits. A large number of newspapers and magazines worldwide had launched their online versions in order to follow ahead or stay with audiences. The cheaper print press increased literacy with growing in the emerging of electronic media and the newspapers are continued to grow. The main revenues for the Print Press come from advertising, the contribution from sales; the newspapers generate more than 80% of revenues through the advertising activities, and the remaining revenues from the sales. When there are no advertising, it is called editorial contents, which means the articles in the newspapers and its guests or writers when they express their opinions. The newspapers have many traditional advertisers, and there are many different channels for these advertising to come to the newspapers, by direct request, or agencies. Due to the press industry consolidation, the advertisements are much less to give the required revenues, and the newspapers are seeing these advertising shifting to the new media platform. The categories of advertisements are shifting into many types of digital websites, auto sites, and TV channels. With the new technology in our lives, the advertising media are varied and include the internet websites, rich media platforms and mobile networks. Recently the advertisement industry is mostly recognized as opposite editorial contents which pay a fee to be included in the newspapers. The advertisers include their products or techniques such as new design for advertising, and promotions for the customers. It is usually closer to the press release than the objectives of newspapers story. Introduction Advertising process is a form of communications which include the product name or the service name and how could they be benefit for the consumers. That process is often attempt to affect the potential purchase behaviors of customers towards a particular products and services. With the variety of advertising methods and types, the modern marketing and the use of information technology is affecting the purchasing decisions made by customers and lead the market forces to make some revenues for the producers. The main targets of commercial advertising are to increase the rates of consumptions of their products and services, which will increase the advertising revenues for the producers, and enhance the image of the products and services in the market to encourage the customers for more consumption. There are several elements and factors influence the advertising procedures and trends in the market. The different types of media in advertising could be used to deliver the advertising message to the customers; this message includes the image and benefits of the products and services. Traditional media of advertising may be placed by agencies on behalf of the companies or the organizations. Many organizations spent a specific amount of money on advertising and promotion items other than the consumed items or services which could include third party in the advertising or interest groups with targets of controlling the market trends towards their benefits. The money which is spent is indicating the size of the advertising industry and the revenues of them throughout the Print Press. The advertising communication is used to influence the individuals to purchase a specific product or service, or support a political ideas, it could be displayed on newspapers, magazines, and other digital types of advertising. According to a study by Booz Company, thanks to the bold steps taken to promote innovation and efficient management of more aggressive cost on the basis of the success of new strategies, media organizations may be able to prepare a better future. There are two major powers reducing the profits of the print media. The first is the continuous change in the areas of expenditure which marketers focus away from the paid advertisements in favor of other priorities advertisements from outside the budget, what would be a major amount of marketing expenditures when the economy recovers. The second orientation, which toppled the long-term profitability of publications, it is the birth of digital media. Literature Review Literature Strategy In the study, there are some important concepts to put in concern with all the other principles of the advertising researches, these concepts are related to the literature review of the Print Press. Starting from the first step of planning to plan for the study, then starting to plan the research and beginning to collect information for the study, all these steps and phases required for the literature caring and planning. The study of effects of advertising on the revenues of the print press industry is involving with all the strategic decisions and marketing plans for the most benefits of the advertising. This study will be more effective with help of the marketing researches and activities too. Only the start which is considered a critical phase to decide the segment of customer who the message from the advertisements are going to be focused on, and the researches will indicate the effects of the advertising as whole on the print press and all types of media. Generally, it could be relatively related to few of the newspapers which have revenues under certain amount of money, and use the responsible departments for performing these researches to increase the income for the newspapers. However, a variety of elements and factors are affecting the size of advertisements in a newspaper than another. Among some studies and researches, we have to introduce some unique services and products in order to attract the consumers and readers to purchase the products or use the service that will increase the size of advertising and the benefits for the newspaper from these advertisements. So, the strategy for literature marketing researches must be aware of most of the factors for the market forces, and the other effective elements for perfect planning and introducing the best plan of advertising revenues. The availability of marketing solutions to enable the media to focus on the broader marketing budget, with a bigger share of the budget information paid. And provides research networks and paid advertising is an effective way at the level of cost for marketers to guide the public about their methods of electronic marketing of certain goods. The building offers a wider range of solutions for marketers an opportunity for media organizations to compete more according to their own laws with research networks and advertising. They can strengthen the relationship with the more committed audience, and thus to get deeper information for the conduct of the consumer, and enhance their level of development of the content up to consumers and serve their interests. The publishers also have the opportunity to attract spending marketed through paid advertisements in the media to help marketers build their brands, through marketing solutions that help marketers build and electronic means for the mar keting of certain goods of their own. Advertising Industry In the advertising industry, all the managements of the print press are working together so that they can manage a strong strategy for the increase of the size of advertisements in the newspaper, the design of the advertising and the contents of the advertising are going to be determined by a shared members of both sides the newspapers and the producers. Customers trends are changing and the advertising message should meet these changes and encourage the customers to head towards these products or services in order to encourage the producer to advertise again and again. The actions by customers towards specific advertising are going to determine the ability to make the advertising again or stop it and change to another media, besides the message contents and the products brands or the services quality all these elements are going to affect the size of advertisements in a newspaper. Advertisers need to advertise their products and services to others to establish relations of reciprocity, mutual interests, and mutual benefit, the form and manner that is consistent with the nature of the times, and by relying on a Bellman, who was dispatched from the rulers of the kings and princes, who was wandering around the market brings people around the drum to tell them his message, and resorted to this activity class referees calls that have been used to deliver orders and decisions to the masses and to determine their approach to the authorities in order to achieve the Governor demands of them, the traders hire roaming the streets calling for advertisers on the arrival of ships and goods. Within the tenth century AD became advocates widespread phenomenon in many European cities. These traders were hired to guide customers to their stores and give them an idea of the prices of goods and the store, as well as trade and economic activity back on the market, which was working hard as he could to attract people to his merchandise and tell them their advantages and disadvantages, and hide the stock extent possible so that people deny it, that is publicity in the beginning took the form of oral audio. In the view of most historians that the external signs on the shops are the first forms of advertising, he has used the Babylonians, who lived in what is now Iraq for signs of such propaganda to their stores since 3000 BC. Advertising Plan The main strategy for advertising is the strong marketing plan for the print press organization or the newspapers and magazines. With a strong marketing position and good marketing team, the newspaper will be able to attract many advertisers in order to put their advertisements in the newspaper. The current researches are targeting the description of the advertising method or the advertising plan, but the deep looking here is about advertising campaign which will lead to excellent revenues for the producers and the newspaper. Starting with this point, the current researches aim to contribute a descriptive study of the situation of the print press sector, by describing the advertising portfolio of each of the firms in the sector, and looking at the changes the companies have made in recent years. Thus, these researches are adopting the product image as its unit of analysis from which to analyse the sectors situation and the trends in its evolution. Integrated advertising plan is the key to success and should include market research, customer groups that targeted by competition, positioning, product or service they sell, pricing, and marketing. Begin advertising and planning, advertising effective current information about the market. Study the ads of other projects in community, and consult with any professional associations related, help us with this interactive tool to assess the strengths and weak advertising. Pricing Strategy It is most important factor affecting the advertising size in a newspaper, when they set the pricing for advertisements they must be careful and consider the market with competition and set the acceptable range of prices which will be accepted by the advertiser. The strategy for pricing the advertising products and services depend on different segments and channels for the evaluation of the changes in the market. These changes might need to be affecting the prices and also gain more segments form the market. The prices are very effective in advertising and the size of advertising in the print press, the changes in the market will lead to changes in the organization strategy and pricing strategy to be more flexible in order to meet the needs of both customers and producers. When the producer is known with all the prices of the market, he will be considered with the size of the advertising and the content of the message he want to deliver to customers, it will indicate the ability to take the advertising or delay the advertising for another time. The researches distinguished between different pricing strategies, such as high promoter and low promoter organizations, without relying on product differentiation considerations. A segmented switcher perspective enables us to resolve some varied results found in previous models. There is one way available to the printed media in order to cope with their own business models for success in marketing the new digital environment, and through four strategies as a minimum: Deepen relations with readers on the target areas of concern. Focus on the flow of revenue outside the framework of marketing and trading. Redesign of the content delivery model (with a special focus on reducing costs) and the emphasis on content-profit article written for the unique and reflect the brand. Innovation of new products and pricing models. Marketers are aware that the leading force in the launch of digital media to communicate with consumers. And spend the companies that offer e-marketing offers for certain goods such as blogs and mobile applications more money on these offers, compared with other digital ads. And often are designed electronic means marketing of certain goods to attract registered users. The media printed a special relationship with its readers who trust the content of publications and appreciate its credibility. The sites of high-quality e-enable the printed media to develop a close relationship with its readers: consumers become more committed and willing to recording and exchange of personal data for the meeting offers for them. The challenge of media organizations on how to increase offers new content and consumer-oriented, without the added costs beyond to create content and difficulty of operational income scalability that can be achieved. I tried some media organizations to enhance the value of online advertising for the brand by directing them towards the target groups of the public. In the coming years, there will production for the majority of revenue in the digital media for advertising and sponsorship. However, the increase of income by the name of the registered user may play a vital role in creating flows of income and achieve an overall growth of vinegar faster. And media organizations can continue to pursue these sources of revenue in the digital arena with the recognition that there are limitations to the size of the public who can attract in the case imposed a tariff on content to consumers. Research Methodology Advertising researches are special type of studies which are specialized form of marketing researches; they aim to improve the efficiency of the advertising according to the market trends. These researches are focusing on a specific advertisements or campaigns, or may be directed at a more general understanding of how advertising works or how consumers use the information in advertising. There are different types of advertising researches, such as customized advertising and syndicated advertising; the first one is conducted for specific clients to address the client needs. The second type of researches is single research study conducted by a research company with its results available, for sale, to multiple companies. Before the advertising researches, the media used for advertising such as radio, TV, print, outdoor billboards, or Internet, these methods would apply to gather the required information for testing the benefits of the advertising before starting advertise. The focus is on what the advertising will do for the product or the service and the increase of revenues from advertising for the print press. In our research about the advertising and its effects for the print press industry, we are going to follow several methods of data gathering and analyzing, all the information related to the advertising and the print press industry, which will lead us to the desired results and approaches form the study. The essential facts her are that we have an important role for the advertising to refresh the market and increase the sales for specific products or services, the size of the advertising is effective element for the revenues of the print press for these advertising. There are many different ways to perform the advertising researches, most the organizations are using one or more of the several basics of the advertising researches or methods of advertising, such as: Surveysà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ With questionnaires and concise, we can analyses the groups that represent the target area in the market. When increasing the size of the sample of questionnaire, the results of the questionnaire will be dependable. The surveys are working very fine for the researches and studies, which make it a powerful tool in the advertising methodology. Focus Groupà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ It is a moderated method using the scripted series of questions or topics which lead to discussing among a group of people. It is usually lasts one or two hours and it takes at least three groups to get balanced results. Personal Interviewsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Similar to the focus group, but include the unstructured questions, and usually last for about an hour. Its a valuable insight to customers attitudes and excellent way to uncover the issues related to advertising and new products or services development. Observation à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ The individual response to surveys and focus groups are sometimes at the actual behavior of customers everywhere. We observe the actions and reactions by several methods to give more accurate picture of customers usage habits and shopping patterns. Questionnaire Successful newspapers measure the profitability of their advertising, territories, customer groups, and segments. This information helps management determine whether any products or advertising activities should be expanded, reduced, or eliminated. The first step in marketing-profitability analysis is to identify the functional expenses such as advertising and delivery, incurred for each activity. Next, the newspapers measure how much functional expense was associated with advertising through the advertising campaign. Third, the newspapers prepare a profit-and-loss statement for each type of advertising. Print Press and Media organizations can follow the tracks consumer shift focus to new flows of income resulting from the readers rather than to produce for marketers. But these challenges even greater, readers pay to meet the content difficult to find elsewhere, and which is difficult to imitate or copy. It has bypassed some of the publications of consumer reluctance of consumers through the development of credibility by a unique research cannot be found elsewhere on the Internet. The media organizations also find new ways to configure a particular brand as centers addressed by the community or data, and impose the cost of meeting additional benefits save people time and contribute to building their networks and social identity. Questionnaire is one of the cheapest ways to collect data on a particular topic by a very large segment of people and through this data, you can do an analytical study on that subject. It is important to know that the effort to get the strong design of the questionnaire questions on the place and the size and shape to take it out inevitably give data that could be utilized to make a particular decision on the subject to be studied. It is important to develop a questionnaire to the definition of phases, beginning with the things that will be tested and ends extraction results. Each stage must be designed very carefully because the final result depends on the interdependence of all stages, although that way all the data through the questionnaire is the cheapest way, but it can be expensive in terms of design and the extraction results. Questionnaire Factors: Determine the targets of the questionnaire. Written questionnaire. Surely we will not get required results if there is no clear goal and a specific work of the questionnaire, the more difficult goal or purpose is not clear where a waste of time participants and wasting the resources of the owners of that questionnaire. For example: Suppose that there is a program for computer and there is a problem in use by multiple users and resolve this problem have been identified target, (identify points of dissatisfaction with the user interface program and how it affects negatively on its performance). We might think that this really is the goal, but in fact not the case. The duty of the questionnaire designed to determine precisely what is meant by non-user satisfaction Is it to learn the program or in the strength and performance of the program or the difficulty of learning the program and whether it is important to the user quickly learn the program, also must determine what is meant by performance the program. The questionnaire is designed to clear, we must be very careful in defining the target and floating to general things might be understood in several aims, objectives and summary of the tower will, if we find it difficult to write a questionnaire, remember that we did not take sufficient time in defining the objectives of the questionnaire. Questionnaire: Name: Age: Nationality: Income: Job Title: Address: Favorite Newspaper: Magazines: Reading times: Purchasing: Attractive Ads: Interests in Ads: Important Ads: The advertising questionnaire is not easy to start, but with random groups in the society, we got some results to help us evaluating the importance of ads for people, these results could be summarized as: 95% of readers are not looking for advertising. 70% are interested in advertising. 40% are actual customers for advertising products and services. 90% are attracted to the colors and design of advertising. 30% are attracted by the contents. Analyzing and Interpretation of Data The results of advertising are not encouraging for the advertising itself, but the importance of advertising is deniable for all organizations, no one will know about any organization or services without advertising or announcing, from here we find the importance of advertising itself. Only the print press advertising became very shortly used and sometimes not effective for the investors. For the Print Press newspapers and magazines it is a very important source of income, and in the UAE market there more than one newspaper based on advertising, which make this industry very profitable and include a high range of income for the newspaper or the magazine. A recession can take place lasting change in the environment and the media, with the emergence of increasing pressure on newspapers and magazines. Decreased in the total advertising revenue in the year 2008, was recorded in newspapers, magazines and consumer publications for institutions of a decline in print ads more than two to three times. According to a study by Booz Company, thanks to the bold steps taken to promote innovation and efficient management of more aggressive cost on the basis of the success of new strategies, media organizations may be able to prepare a better future. Advertising agencies is administered by the advertising expenditure for the big advertisers usually. So, form a strategic relationship between advertising agencies and print media, such as TV channels, is considered a sine qua non of any means but this does not prevent the TV channel to organize visits to some identifiable potential advertisers to introduce them to the canal and nature of the audience and that does not hold any advertising agreements only with the advertiser through the ad agency, and can be made of those visits in coordination with the agencys ad spender do not forget that there are some spenders who want to deal with the advertising means directly, and these could be targeted through the channel directly. With the global crisis had entered a tunnel to free press, the crisis and closed dozens of them in Europe with fierce competition and rising costs for distribution of homes and declining advertising revenue, with The New York Times report to fall by more than one-third in the early months of 2009, compared to last year, prompting the majority of these newspapers to reduce the number of employees is clearly to control costs and balance of income and some of which is to ensure the superiority and control through their monopoly contracts to ensure the distribution of the newspaper not to compete in some public areas, for example, newspaper Metro which has a monopoly of distribution in the subway in London, which gives it a significant advantage to advertisers and reached the monopoly as a result of a contract signed with the supervisor of the subway, and the paper fears losing its monopoly contract with the end of next year, and newspapers seeking competition to get the deal attractive and profitable, which means that free newspapers are paid to monopolize the distribution in some important sites of density of human permanent, a type of expenses and costs it cannot support a free press, but with large advertising revenue and has from the outset as a strong entity in the market transactions. Does not deny that major news organizations in the world seeks through information services, the broad sense to make more of the extra revenue and complementary services, particularly the print press is not a printer of books and information services and press services for the sale of diverse press kit for the participants, diversity and excellence, credibility and depth, which newspapers offer European and American major, and was provided by the expansion of the Al-Ahram Arabic press in prior years ago. With the Internet age, the e-press services and other value-driven can become an important income for publishers releases provided they need Internet browser with high quality and very distinguished and diverse specialization in the form of news is interesting and attractive. In the light of the high cost of editorial quality and excellence and financial requirements in the form of large fixed costs and expenses in progress, the waiver of the press free from 15% to 20% of total revenues represented by the income distribution as a result of lack of interest in article releases and non-remittance of available and presented to the reader levels and high rates and high in light of the predominance of advertising material and clout, this kind of newspapers make a reduction in expenses and issuance costs more than the value distribution of income by the cost of editorial distinct rise inevitably and of necessity for the investigator from the sale proceeds are paid in case of traditional printed newspapers, This means that the decision to sell free of charge in the beginning and the end reflects the economic and financial accounts for the quality of new and updated list of the press on the concept of a new focus primarily on the advertising material which occupies the interface and the first priority and with the press material back to second and third, which means that there is a new industry was prioritize and re-arrange their sources of income and revenues, and also re-select the services and the quality of the target readers and the nature of influence, and thus contact printed advertising message aimed at focusing on the promotion and advertising and promotional goods and services rather than the promotion of ideas and press services of various kinds and forms, which fall under the industry opinion and conscience of the world. And even avoid publishing press crises and obstacles and avoid falling into the dark tunnel of indebtedness, the awareness and understanding the limits of economic and financial relationship between advertising revenue and the number of pages of the newspaper and also their relationship to the number of copies printed must be completely clear in the minds of managers and editing, and indicators show that the standard financial and economic mainstream press to the success of the paper and not stumble and ensure the realization of revenue and profit for the appropriate activity requires that a material ad rates estimates ranging between 25% minimum and a maximum of 40% of the total material printed in emergency situations of need, which means that the press material about 60% on average year to ensure balance and ensure the rights of the reader and provide a press release that variety and sometimes can be as high advertising material to at most 45% of the total printed material. And sets it in the end the newspaper ads pricing paper also determines the efficiency of the ad and its failure or success which are not only relate to access to the declarations and dissemination, but also linked and closely associated with success in the collection of ad revenue on a regular basis and without delay, while ensuring a minimum level of bad debt ad uncollected by the fact that the basic rule in advertising is the prompt payment, and the payment deadline must be the exception to the rule, even in large scale advertising campaigns and extended periods of time, the legal control of the financial rights of uncollected immediate should be the object of attention and scrutiny when agreeing to contracts with advertising campaigns to ensure letters of bank guarantees in the conditions of customers who Aidfon full value advertising directly. The same applies to set discounts for older customers, the exaggerated and left outside the scope of controls cause the loss of an important aspect of advertising revenue, and requires complete control and control the outcome of the advertising material as the main outcome of the financing costs and expenses of publishi

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Comparing Red Badge of Courage and Great Expectations :: comparison compare contrast essays

Red Badge of Courage and Great Expectations The hero of The Red Badge of Courage, which was written by Stephen Crane in the late 1800s, was a young private named Henry Fleming, who was fighting for the North in the American Civil War. Like Pip, in Great Expectations, Henry was a commoner. He was new to the Army and few people knew his name. The main difference between Henry and the earlier heroes is that Henry was not born with leadership qualities or traits like bravery. In fact, in the first battle he fought, he proved himself to be a coward by running from it. Henry's flaws were very similar to those of Pip and the Greek heroes. Arrogance was a flaw that many Greek mortal heroes, especially Odysseus and Oedipus, had. When Henry realized that none of his fellow soldiers were aware that he had run from the first battle, he regained his self-pride and self-confidence. Before long, he had convinced himself that he was "chosen of the gods and doomed to greatness." At first, Pip believed that status and wealth determined the "goodness" of a person. Henry had similar illusions. He believed that a war hero was a person who could manage to escape every tight situation he got into, and also a godly figure people looked up to and were fascinated by. His other illusions were that the only the best could survive against the hideous "dragons" of war, and that the enemy was a machine that never tired or lost will to fight. An important difference between Henry and the Greek heroes was that Henry's flaws were recognized by the people of Crane's day, whereas the Greeks did not see any flaws in their heroes, like Odysseus (they thought traits like arrogance were cool). Another difference between Henry and the Greek heroes can be seen in their heroic acts. Greek war heroes were praised for their outward bravery and military genius (how many enemy soldiers they killed, or how they were able to trick the enemy). Near the end, Henry was a war hero in the eyes of his fellow soldiers and commanding officers (he fought fearlessly and led charges), but what was truly heroic about Henry was the way he changed and developed.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Morphology of Rural Settlements in Malda Essay

Abstract: The rural settlement within the Malda district highlights human attempts for the livelihood and building the habitat on the diverse geographical landscapes. The characteristics of its natural endowments, social conditionality and historical antecedents and most importantly the human efforts gave the rural countryside a certain kind of social and morphological characteristics. The morphological characteristics of the villages have been collected from the different natural regions of the districts in order to understand the divergent forces and feature of it. This paper has focused on understanding the settlement pattern in the Malda district in the three broad geographic regions of it namely Tal, Diara and Barind. Key Words: Village, Morphological structure, Geographical landscapes, landuse, The Malda district. Introduction: Settlement morphology is primarily concerned with the lay-out, plan and internal structure of the settlements. It not only views settled area in terms of physical space but identifies its various components in respect of socio-economic space which has its direct bearing in controlling the arrangement of buildings, patterns of streets and fields and functional characteristics of settlements in general. Types, Form and Pattern constitute the three basic elements of morphology of rural settlements. Type would refer to three sets of formal and functional relationship: I) house to house, II) street to street and III) street to street. The inherent principle of village morphology is the human instinct of gregariousness. To have a comprehensive view of settlement, it deals with the morphogenesis and the morphological structure of rural settlement. Besides the geometrical shape, this is visualized through air view or on a well drawn map, as one aspects of the form of a settlement, the intern al arrangement of lanes, houses, with varies relationship, provide another aspect, named as morphology, hence morphological structure. The morphological structure of villages, as concrete expression of human activity in space, involves five principles of settlement formation, advocated by Doxiadis. His hypothetical frame for any settlement consists of four parts: Homogenous parts, Central part, Circulatory part and Special part. These basic parts are closely associated with the dimensions of height, length, width and time, which are best explained by morphological analysis of the villages. The internal morphology naturally involves analysis of structural morphology and social morphology. Of these, the former concern with the description and interpretation of relationship involves and deals with the varied dwelling group, community structures and land or spaces. Literature Review: Agglomerate and isolated homestead would be the two extreme types intervened by a large number of intermediate types. While in an agglomerate type there is one habitation site on which are located all the buildings, in the dispersed or isolated type there would be as many habitation sites as the building. Form connotes the geometric shape of the aggregate of building and streets, and thus, is expressed through innumerable categories, such as circular, rectangular, square, quadrilateral and irregular. Finally, pattern would be indicating geometrical arrangement of large number of settlement suggestive of correlation with natural and cultural features of the landscapes. Form, type can be applied to individual settlements but pattern is applicable only to a set of large number of rural settlements (Mukerji A.B, 1976). Generally rural settlements spread over number of buildings and distribution of cultivated lands on several levels. Just as in the cases of scattered and dispersed village s, this type of settlements represents a typical form which there can be established a sequence of form and structure (Gh. Iordache, 1974). The tendency of grouped households, agglomerating in the heartland is typical for settlement within plain lands, with intensive agricultural economy and low relief intensity. The phenomenon of households agglomerating in the heartland is result of the complex historical, economic, social and demographical factors (V. Cucu, 1998). Study area: Malda district consists mainly of low lying plains, sloping towards the south with undulating areas on the north-east. Located between latitude 24040’20’’N to 25032’8’’N and longitude 87045’50’’E to 88028’10’’E. The Mahananda River divides the district into two regions. The western region is further subdivided by the river Kalindri into two areas. The northern is known as ‘Tal’- it is low lying and vulnerable to inundation during rainy season, the southern area consists of very fertile land and is thickly populated, commonly known as ‘Diara’. The region of mature alluvium that had given North Bengal its old historical name of varendri or barendri is known today as ‘Barind’. This region is made up of the ancient alluvial humps that are remnants of old riverine floodplains that remain unaffected subsequently by inundation and renewed silting. Fig 1: Broad physiographic map of Malda district Fig 2: Study area map Source: District Human Development Report, Malda Source: District Human Development Report, Malda Harischandrapur I & II, Chanchal I & II and Ratua I & II are located in Tal region. Gajol, Old Malda, Bamongola and Habibpur are located in Barind region and Diara region consist English Bazar, Manikchak, Kaliachak I, and II & III. For my study, I have studied on Harischandrapur I & II from Tal region, Adina from Barind region and Manikchak from Diara region. Objectives: The rural settlements within the Malda plain area highlight in the geographical landscape by specific features which give its individuality. The characteristics of its natural background (majorly plain area- sub-divided into Tal, Diara, and Barind etc.), social-historical evolution and conditions and human economic activities gave the villages certain morphological-structural features, which harmonize with the general features of rural settlements within the plain. The following subtypes of settlements are viewed in the area- agglomerated, compact and dispersed villages. The selective objectives are– * To analyze the Characteristics of rural house type; * To determine Characteristics of rural house building materials with their availability * To analyze rural road type and rural road network; * To determine the landuse pattern in different physiographic divisions. * To analyze rural economy with relation to land-use pattern and daily habits of the rural habitants; * To find the impacts of Physical environments on land use of the villages. Database and Methodology: Both primary data and secondary data have been used in this term paper. Secondary data related to physiographic map, satellite images from Google earth, census data 2001 etc. For this term paper, primary data collected from one selected blocks from each physiographic division and field survey has done on this areas. To analyze data a very simple statistical tool like bar graph has been used. Analysis: Characteristics of rural house type: At first this paper shows characteristics of rural house type in the district of Malda. In Malda district, houses in rural area express the basic relationship between human beings and their physical and social environment. A feature common throughout most of Malda is the courtyard. This is in the centre, in front of or behind the house. This open space alternates as living room, workplace and storage space. Rooms are built round the courtyard with doors opening into it. The rooms often surrounded by raised verandas. Fig 3: Rural houses are located around the courtyard Fig 4: Animal breeding in open space in front of house Source: Field Survey Source: Field survey The plinth of the rooms is often raised. When rooms are built along one side of the courtyard only, three sides are fenced or walled in with an entrance door at the front. Such layout provides both privacy and safety. The courtyard provides the division between the outer part of the house and the inner sanctum reserved for women. This kind of layout is common all over the rural area in Malda. Fig 5: Rural house with conical roof Source: Field survey In Malda district, another significant characteristic of rural houses are that their roofs are inclined because in rainy season, the sloping roofs allows water to drain off. On the other hand, some conical roofs are found in certain tribal and caste areas of Malda. In my study, I have seen this kind of roof characteristics in Harischandrapur in Malda. Characteristics of rural house building materials: different blocks of Malda district, rural dwellings are built of locally available materials. Generally houses in rural area have made by mud, bamboo and brick. Some hay made houses are also found in rural area. Very few number of pakka houses are found in rural area in which mainly Brahmin families and economically well developed families are lived. For making wall of the houses, people use brick, mud, hay etc. In the case of making roof portion of houses, dwellers use mainly tile (square brick for flooring or roofing), hay and tin etc. Fig 6: Brick made house with tile roof Fig 7: Hay made house with tile roof Source: Field survey Source: Field survey Fig 8: Bamboo made house with tile roof Fig 9: Mud made house with tile roof Source: Field survey Source: Field survey Due to non-availability of proper building materials, there did not allow for the growth of permanent of settlements. Tents made of skin or leather used by the various tribal groups in Harischandrapur block. They were the dwellings in this area before modern housing materials began to be used. So the mud and sundried brick houses with thatched or tiled roofs are the commonest in Malda district. The quality of house building materials used depends on the economic condition of the owners. In some areas of Malda district e.g. Adina, Harischandrapur etc, government also provides prefabricated building materials. The using of house building materials of dwellers in rural area depends on physical conditions of Malda, mainly the climatic condition. The climatic condition of Malda is very harsh throughout the year. For example, in this climatic condition people use mud for making their house in rural area because mud reflects the sun heat and makes the house relatively cool in summer season. Rural road type and rural network: Rural roads are the last link of the transport network, however, they often from the most important connection in terms of providing access for the rural population. In Malda district, permanent or seasonal absence of road access is a constraining factor in terms of providing rural communities with essential services such as education, primary health care, water supply, local markets as well as economic opportunities. The availability of such services and opportunities are difficult to sustain without a quality and well maintained rural network. In rural area of Malda district, both metalled and unmettaled roads are found. Cart tracks are also found in villages. The conditions of the roads are not very good. Especially in rainy season roads are broken as well as damaged. The common feature is that most of the houses in rural area are located besides the both sides of the roads. Fig 10: One unmettaled road of Adina Fig 11: One mettaled road of Harischandrapur Source: Field Survey Source: Field survey Fig 12: Village road joints with NH 34 Fig 13: Damaged village road in rainy season Source: Field survey Source: Field Survey In other hand, another common feature of the rural area is that roads under the villages are directly meet with the National highway. This common feature indicates positive aspect of village road network in Malda district. In Malda district, keeping in view the socio economic benefits accruing from providing road connectivity to the villages, there is a need to impart greater thrust to providing road connectivity. So government launched the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna (PMGSY) in different blocks in Malda, with the objective of providing road connectivity through good all weather roads to all unconnected habitations. Landuse pattern of three broad physiographic divisions in Malda district: The differences in cross regional landuse pattern across the Tal, Barind and Diara reflect the same set of settlement intensities, agrarian features and agricultural constraints. According to 2001 census, landuse patterns of Malda district are as follows- LANDUSE PATTERN OF THREE BROAD PHYSIGRAPHIC DIVISIONS IN MALDA DISTRICT Divisions| Landuse in hectares| | Homestead land| Orchards & Pasture land| Culturable wasteland| Net cropped area| Net irrigated area| Multi cropped area| Tal| 4712| 140| 213| 92373| 16528| 68426| Barind | 3717| 161| 262| 109539| 9563| 32751| Diara| 7176| 134| 196| 78098| 8480| 38225| Source: Census 2001 HOMESTEAD LAND DISTRIBUTION ORCHARDS & PASTURE LAND DISTRIBUTION CULTURABLE WASTELAND DISTRIBUTION NET CROPPED AREA DISTRIBUTION NET IRRIGATED DISTRIBUTION MULTI CROPPED AREA DISTRIBUTION In the Diara where settlement densities and regional land pressures are the highest, the quantum of land used for homestead purpose is nearly as high as the sum of homestead lands in the Tal and Barind. The extent of Culturable wastelands available for potential future cultivation in the Diara is correspondingly low. However, while the Net Cropped Area (NCA) is highest in the Barind, the irrigation and multi cropping intensity here is relatively low. Thus unlike the Tal where virtually all agricultural lands are multi cropped, a large portion of farming operations in the Barind are carried out on monocrop land. Cropping intensity in Diara for entirely different reasons, this has to do with the seasonal flooding and region experiences, as a result of which agricultural land becomes inaccessible for a certain part of the year. In recent times, the spread of mango cultivation, brinjal cultivation, chestnut cultivation etc. across the Diara has also been a factor in reducing cropping int ensity. Fig 14: Canal irrigation in Harischandrapur Fig 15: Irrigation through shallow machine Source: Field survey Source: Field survey Generally the main source of irrigation is rainwater. Others irrigation facilities like canal, shallow machines are also found in some part of Tal region like Harischandrapur. Due to these facilities, agricultural lands are mainly multi cropped as well as cropping intensity is also high in Tal region than Barind and Diara region. The cropping intensity of Tal region is about 205% where 156% in Barind region and 167% in Diara region. Rural economy with relation to land-use pattern and daily habits of the rural habitants: Rural economy is directly related with the livelihood pattern of this particular region. The differing characteristics in rural settlements and their habitant have seen across in Malda district seem directly related to livelihood pattern and work opportunities in different sub regions. Work participation is highest in Diara which has the highest density of settlement. However, the livelihood stress caused by rapid growth of district population against a limited land resource base means that work participation rates are well below 50% in all three regions of the district, and are lowest in Tal region at just under 37%. Each worker in the Tal thus has to support an average of 1.7 dependents, against 1.4 dependents in Barind regions and 1.2 in the Diara. According to 2001 census, in Tal and Barind region almost 75% of rural people are engaged in agricultural activities. Household Industries are mainly concentrated on Kaliachak I and Kaliachak III. Almost 50% people in total workers are engaged in Household industry activities. In other hand, in Old Malda, Englishbazar, Kaliachak I and Kaliachak II, almost 50% people are engaged in other economic activities. So, mainly rural economy depends on agricultural activities. Outside, the Barind region, therefore, land scarcity is a major problem in the district. Agricultural and in Tal and Diara regions is mostly irrigated and already intensively cropped and cultivated. The scope of generating additional employment for the landmass in agricultural sector in this region has become progressively limited since each hectare of farmland in Tal and Barind blocks already engages between 2-4 agriculture on the average. In the Barind where the land situation is more favourable, most farmland is mono cropped because of terrain factor, low water table and resulting difficulty in providing in supplementary irrigation on such lands to generate additional work opportunities in agriculture. Consequently, the district is now poised for a major shift of workers from cultivation to non agricultural sector. Impact of physical environments on land use of the villages: Physical environments directly affect on land use pattern of the villages. In Malda district, the soils of the Barind regions are hard silty clays of a reddish hue that has developed through the sesquioxides. Organic residues in this soil are highly decomposed, leading to no acidic soil pH at levels as low as 6.8 in the Barind tracts of Malda. Organic carbon content is also generally low at 0.54% in these Malda tracts, as a result of which overall soil fertility remains at modest level under unirrigated conditions. Since the undulating terrain in the Barind promotes a fair amount of runoff and the hard impervious clayey Barind soil permit little percolation, most of the monsoon runoff accumulates in the large natural bills or pools in the ravines formed by the courses of the Tangan and Punarvava rivers, covering the low lands here until long after the monsoon is over. Spanning Manikchak, Kaliachak I, II, III and Englishbazar blocks within the district, the Diara is relatively well defined flatland formed by the fluvial deposition of newer alluvium in the transitional zone between the Barind upland and marshy Tal tracts. The Tal is mostly composed of Bog lands formed in mainly marshy pockets around vestigial inland drainages. Consequently, Tal is strewn with innumerable marshes, bils and oxbow lakes. The uplands of Barind gradually slope downwards towards the north-east and north of Malda district in the region lying beyond the Mahananda. The six development blocks situated here. They are bounded by the Mahananda to their east, by the Ganga to west and the river Kalindri to the south. Since the tract is bounded by the river, soil conditions improve considerably, providing favourable for mango orchard and for the cultivation for jute and several other kharif and Rabi crops. However although the geophysical situation of the Tal is relatively favourable compared to that of the Barind. Being the largest of three sub regions, the Barind also has the largest number of habitation. However, these are widely dispersed and their populations are smaller. The reasons for the lower scale of human settlement in Barind lie in its semi arid and water deprived character, with upland soils that supports a lower intensity of cultivation. Conversely the Tal and Diara, which are better endowed with water and also with fertile sedimented soils, have supported more diversified cultivation, more work related migration, and greater intensities of human settlement, which is reflected particularly in the Diara by higher masculinity within the regional population. Cross regional differences also occur in agricultural yields across the Tal, Barind and Diara, which reflect intrinsic differences in soil quality, water availability and land husbanding practices. Except for the yields of the main aman rice that grows in rainfed condition over the monsoon months, agricultural yields are uniformly higher in the well watered Tal region. Again the yields overall for the Barind is actually a consequence of the vast extent of land cultivated during the rainfed aman season when differences in crop yields across the three regions are minimal. Major findings: * Common feature in the most of the rural area in the Malda district is courtyard base rural houses. This is in the centre; houses are built up around this courtyard. * In the Malda district, rural settlements are mainly semi-compact and disperse type. * In rural area, people build their houses with the help of locally available materials. Their houses patterns depend on both their economic condition and the physical condition. * In Malda district, keeping in view the socio economic benefits accruing from providing road connectivity to the villages, there is a need to impart greater thrust to providing road connectivity. In rural area of Malda district, both metalled and unmettaled roads are found. * The landuse patterns are different in different physiographic divisions in Malda district. Homestead lands are well distributed in Diara tracts, where In Barind region, orchards and pasture lands, net cropped area and Culturable wastelands are well distributed. On the other hand, irrigat ion facilities and multi cropped area are well distributed in Tal region. * The rural work participation rates are highest in Kaliachak I block. In other Kaliachak blocks, Harischandrapur II, work participation rates exceeds uniformly but WPR is very low in Englishbazar, Manikchak, old Malda and other blocks of Tal regions. * Mainly rural economy depends on agricultural activities. Majority of rural people in Tal and Barind region are engaged in agricultural activities. Household industries are mainly concentrated on Kaliachak I and III blocks. In other hand, in Englishbazar, Manikchak, Kaliachak II and old Malda blocks, half of the worker people engage in other economic activities. * In Barind region, overall soil fertility remains at modest level under unirrigated condition. Upland of Barind is bounded by the river, soil condition improving considerably, providing favourable for mango orchards, and for the cultivation for jute and several others kharif and Rabi crops. * In the Tal and Diara region have supported more diversified cultivation due to fertile sediment soil. These conditions occur more work related migration and greater intensities of rural settlements which reflect on Diara by higher masculinity. * Agricultural yield in Tal, Diara and Barind regions differ due to intrinsic differences in the soil, availability of water and land husbanding practices. Agricultural yields are uniformly higher in Tal region. Conclusion: Malda district is mainly lower part of the Gangetic plain as well as southern part of the North Bengal plain. The three broad subregions can be defined physiographically within Malda district like Tal, Diara and Barind. The village economy of the Malda district is based on agricultural activities, orchards etc. Agricultural features of Malda district depends on monsoon climate. Irrigation facilities are also available in the Malda district. Major portion of agricultural lands in Malda district are multi cropped. Traditional houses pattern in rural area has been changed by the economy. All over morphology of the rural areas are almost similar to each other in three physiographic regions. Agricultural crops are mainly jute, paddy and wheat. Mango orchards spread large portion of the Malda district. Rural houses types are almost similar all over the Malda district. But in the case of livelihood pattern, some regional variations are followed. In Tal and Barind region, large number of people engages in agricultural activities, on the other hand household industries and other economic activities are developed in Diara region. In rural area of Malda district, half of the people have engaged in agricultural activities which indicate the agriculture based rural economy. At present time, government has taken some steps for development of rural area in Malda district like Pradhan Mantri Gram Sarok Yojna; Jatio Gramin Kormosangsthan Prokolpo etc. this kind of project control the morphology of rural settlements in Malda district. Another feature of village area in Malda district is that some tribal people have been lived in periphery of the villages. This tribal people are not permanent, they are come at a particular time of the year for some work and after finish their work, they go back. In my study, In Harischandrapur block, this kind of sight has been showed. So at a glance, rural morphology in Malda district is much diversifi ed. References: * Bylund, E., ‘Theoretical Considerations regarding the Distribution of Settlement in Inner North Sweden’ in Geografiska Annaler, Vol. 42, No. 4, Advance and Retreat of Rural Settlement: papers of the Siljan Symposium at the XIX th International Geographical Congress (1960), pp. 225-231. * Desai, A. R. (1961), Rural India in Transition. Popular Book Dept., Bombay, 1961. * Doxiadis, C. A. (1969) ‘ Ekistics, An attempt for a Scientific Approach to the Problems of Human Settlements’ in Science and Technology and the Cities (eds.), Committee on Science and Astronautics, U. S. House of Representatives Washington, D. C., U. S. Govt., p. 9. * Ghosh, S., Introduction to Settlement Geography. Orient BlackSwan, 2008. * Mandal, R. B., Introduction to Rural Settlement. Concept Publishing Company, 2009. * Mukerji, A. B., ‘Rural Settlements of the Chandigarh Siwalik Hills (India): A Morphogenetic Analysis’ in Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, Vol. 58, No.2 (1976), pp. 95-115. * Siddique, A., Rajbongshi, B., ‘An Analytical Study on Design and Analysis of Stabilised Rural Roads’ in Proceeding of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 5, pp. 813-828, 2005. * Singh, R. Y., Geography of Settlement. Rawat Publication, 1994.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Writing Letters in Japanese - Format and Tips

Writing Letters in Japanese - Format and Tips Today, it is possible to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world, instantly by email. However, it doesnt mean that the need to write letters has disappeared. In fact, many people still enjoy writing letters to family and friends. They also love receiving them and thinking of them when they see the familiar handwriting. In addition, no matter how much technology progresses, Japanese New Years cards (nengajou) will most likely always be sent by mail. Most Japanese people would probably not be upset by grammatical errors or incorrect usage of keigo (honorific expressions) in a letter from a foreigner. They will be happy just to receive the letter. However, to become a better student of Japanese, it will be useful to learn basic letter-writing skills. Letter Format The format of Japanese letters is essentially fixed. A letter can be written both vertically and horizontally. The way you write is mainly personal preference, though older people tend to write vertically, especially for formal occasions. Opening Word: The opening word is written at the top of the first column.Preliminary Greetings: They are usually seasonal greetings or to inquire about the addressees health.Main Text: The main text starts in a new column, one or two spaces down from the top. The phrases like sate or tokorode are often used to start the text.Final Greetings: They are mainly wishes for the health of the addressee.Closing Word: This is written at the bottom of the next column after the final greetings. Since opening words and closing words come in pairs, make sure to use the appropriate words.Date: When you write horizontally, Arabic numbers are used to write the date. When writing vertically, use kanji characters.Writers Name.Addressees Name: Make sure to add sama or sensei (teachers, doctors, lawyers, Diet members, etc.) to the addressees name, depending on which is proper.Postscript: When you need to add a postscript, start it with tsuishin. It is not appropriate to write postscripts for a letter to superiors or a formal letter. Addressing Envelopes Needless to say, it is rude to write the addressees name incorrectly. Make sure to use the correct kanji characters.Unlike addresses in the west, which usually start with the addressees name and end with the zip or postal code, A Japanese address starts with prefecture or city and end with the house number.The postal code boxes are printed on most envelopes or postcards. Japanese postal codes have 7 digits. You will find seven red boxes. Write the postal code in the postal code box.The addressees name is in the center of the envelope. It should be slightly larger than the characters that are used in the address. Make sure to add sama or sensei to the addressees name depending on which is proper. When you write a letter to an organization, onchuu is used.The writers name and address are written at the back of the envelope, not on the front. Writing Postcards The stamp is put on the top left. Although you can write either vertically or horizontally, the front and the back should be in the same format. Sending a Letter from Overseas When you send a letter to Japan from overseas, romaji is acceptable to use when writing the address. However, if possible, it is better to write it in Japanese.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Comprehending Chaos †Assessment of structure and Coherency Paper

Comprehending Chaos – Assessment of structure and Coherency Paper Free Online Research Papers Comprehending Chaos Assessment of structure and Coherency Paper The concept of chaos is certainly not a subject for a writer to convey with simple clarity, but Margaret Wheatley has done an outstanding job in describing the notion as it relates to both scientific and societal views. There are, however, several instances where many may find it difficult to understand where her words specifically match her meaning. The first instance I found was when she was discussing the fields of study where the concept of positive chaos is found. Wheatley mentions the ancient Greeks, modern science, and Joseph Smith’s civil governing principles as â€Å"places† where the principle of chaos is introduced as a positive notion. Wheatley’s meaning is that chaos is positive in these â€Å"fields of study† or â€Å"areas of knowledge†, rather than the popular interpretation of chaos, which is traditionally negative. However, these areas of study are not physical locations, which many people consider as the only definition of the word â€Å"place.† Although there are further definitions, such as â€Å"any location (of matter, knowledge, or whatever)† not just physical ones, and besides the fact that I personally did not have any trouble seeing the meaning, it is apparent many readers may find â€Å"place† too ambiguous. Thus, I believe Wheatley should have used more specific wording in this case. Furthermore, Wheatley’s words concerning the alignment of chaos, i.e. good or evil, light or dark, were variant. Her meaning was connected to the above mentioned notion where, although chaos is popularly held as â€Å"evil† or â€Å"dark,† there were certain groups or â€Å"places† that held a positive view of chaos. She wanted to show the contrast – although chaos is supposed to be this negative, undesirable darkness, there are beneficial and very natural aspects concerning it. However, I quote a phrase: â€Å"the dark heart of chaos.† Throughout the introduction of the essay, we are reading about the necessity and positivism of the concept of chaos, and then comes this line and others like it. What are we to believe? Is Margaret Wheatley a hypocrite? What is she trying to convey with her words? In truth, Wheatley is showing that, like Gaia, we can pull order and light out of the chaotic void. Thus, the concept of chaos is dark and turbulent and foreboding, but also necessary and positive, as it gives us our order. The mistake many make while reading this essay is to equate light and order with positivism. This is not the case – darkness may be classically evil and undesirable, but the chaotic void is definitely necessary and positive. Towards the end of the article, Wheatley begins a descent into a deeper, almost religious meaning of chaos. She introduces the â€Å"meaning attractor,† which is less of a striking description of â€Å"how† and more of an omniscient view of â€Å"why.† Through the meaning attractor, Wheatley turns us around in retrospect and shows us how our chaotic wanderings are perhaps not so comprised of â€Å"chance† after all. What seemed a mass fusion of chaos and risk now seems inextricably linked by a common attractor of meaning. This is where I hooked in; this is where I saw beyond an interest-grabbing trivial article about current scientific pursuits and viewed a grand purpose, an eternally consequential narrative which tied the early pursuit of comprehending chaos and the later search of understanding the purpose and grand order of our existence with great clarity and remarkably coherent language. Research Papers on Comprehending Chaos - Assessment of structure and Coherency PaperAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementMind TravelRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows EssayCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseThree Concepts of PsychodynamicThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsUnreasonable Searches and Seizures